My journal is a behind-the-scenes insight into my life as an independent agent and solo businesswoman. I share personal stories mixed with practical advice so you can learn the lessons that took me 20 + years to get clued up on.
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Why I Snubbed The Franchises And Became An Independent Agent
The decision to work under a franchise or go out one your own as an independent agent will heavily determine the course of your career as an agent. Before you make the life-changing choice, consider your options carefully. There are pros and cons on both sides of the fence and this post will explain how I came to make my decision (3 times).
Why The Real Estate Industry Is Obsessed With GCI
For as long as business has been around, we have been benchmarking our view of success in direct correlation with how much we earn. The more we make, the more successful we are considered. Yes, there is truth in this, but as independent women we must create our own personal reference points for what success means to us. Because success can be anything you want it to be.
It’s an agent’s worse nightmare. That deal you’ve been working on for weeks just went south and now you’re in a rant about why you need to quit the industry. This post explains how I’ve learned to keep my emotions in check so I can pivot quicker and get on with agent life.