My journal is a behind-the-scenes insight into my life as an independent agent and solo businesswoman. I share personal stories mixed with practical advice so you can learn the lessons that took me 20 + years to get clued up on.
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Are Men Really Intimidated By The Boss-Babe Movement?
Are men really intimidated by strong, successful women? This is the age old debate circling amongst the women's groups worldwide and with all the stats leaning toward the answer being YES, I beg to differ. Here's why I think it's not the fierce independence that makes them run and hide - it's the energy.
It’s an agent’s worse nightmare. That deal you’ve been working on for weeks just went south and now you’re in a rant about why you need to quit the industry. This post explains how I’ve learned to keep my emotions in check so I can pivot quicker and get on with agent life.